
Creates a shortcut (.lnk) file.

FileCreateShortcut, Target, LinkFile , WorkingDir, Args, Description, IconFile, ShortcutKey, IconNumber, RunState



Name of the file that the shortcut refers to, which should include an absolute path unless the file is integrated with the system (e.g. Notepad.exe). The file does not have to exist at the time the shortcut is created; however, if it does not, some systems might alter the path in unexpected ways.


Name of the shortcut file to be created, which is assumed to be in %A_WorkingDir% if an absolute path isn't specified. Be sure to include the .lnk extension. The destination directory must already exist. If the file already exists, it will be overwritten.


Directory that will become Target's current working directory when the shortcut is launched. If blank or omitted, the shortcut will have a blank "Start in" field and the system will provide a default working directory when the shortcut is launched.


Parameters that will be passed to Target when it is launched. Separate parameters with spaces. If a parameter contains spaces, enclose it in double quotes.


Comments that describe the shortcut (used by the OS to display a tooltip, etc.)


The full path and name of the icon to be displayed for LinkFile. It must either be an ico file or the very first icon of an EXE or DLL.


A single letter, number, or the name of a single key from the key list (mouse buttons and other non-standard keys might not be supported). Do not include modifier symbols. Currently, all shortcut keys are created as Ctrl+Alt shortcuts. For example, if the letter B is specified for this parameter, the shortcut key will be Ctrl+Alt+B.


To use an icon in IconFile other than the first, specify that number here (can be an expression). For example, 2 is the second icon.


Launch Target minimized or maximized. If blank or omitted, it defaults to 1 (normal). Otherwise, specify one of the following digits:

Error Handling

[v1.1.04+]: This command is able to throw an exception on failure. For more information, see Runtime Errors.

ErrorLevel is set to 1 if there was a problem or 0 otherwise.


Target might not need to include a path if the target file resides in one of the folders listed in the system's PATH environment variable.

The ShortcutKey of a newly created shortcut will have no effect unless the shortcut file resides on the desktop or somewhere in the Start Menu. If the ShortcutKey you choose is already in use, your new shortcut takes precedence.

An alternative way to create a shortcut to a URL is the following example, which creates a special URL shortcut. Change the first two parameters to suit your preferences:

IniWrite,, C:\My Shortcut.url, InternetShortcut, URL

The following may be optionally added to assign an icon to the above:

IniWrite, <IconFile>, C:\My Shortcut.url, InternetShortcut, IconFile
IniWrite, 0, C:\My Shortcut.url, InternetShortcut, IconIndex

In the above, replace 0 with the index of the icon (0 is used for the first icon) and replace <IconFile> with a URL, EXE, DLL, or ICO file. Examples: C:\Icons.dll, C:\App.exe,

The operating system will treat a .URL file created by the above as a real shortcut even though it is a plain text file rather than a .LNK file.

FileGetShortcut, FileAppend


The letter "i" in the last parameter makes the shortcut key be Ctrl+Alt+I.

FileCreateShortcut, Notepad.exe, %A_Desktop%\My Shortcut.lnk, C:\, "%A_ScriptFullPath%", My Description, C:\My Icon.ico, i